Monday, November 23, 2009

How can art be a mirror of society?

The Renaissance was a time of exploration, and a time of rebirth. It was a time where many people had decided to secretly go against the Church, and study many of the world's subjects themselves. There are many art paintings and drawings that really reflect and mirror the Renaissance, and what it really was all about. In 'The School of Athens', Raphael shows and displays many people experimenting and studying subjects from books. This really has a sense of what the Renaissance was because they are exploring for new ideas, similarly to what the citizens of the Renaissance era were doing. This painting also displays many artistic techniques that were created and used during the time of the Renaissance, such as the vanishing point, the focal point, anatomical accuracy, proportion, perspective, and foreshortening. The people of the painting are also wearing robes and clothing of the Renaissance. Raphael brings the ideas and topics of the Renaissance, and fits it all within one painting; The School of Athens.

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