Sunday, September 27, 2009

"I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."

- Martin Luther King, August 28th, 1963.

On August 28th, 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. made a speech which sent messages to many different races. The purpose of his speech was to convince and persuade people that one should not be judged by his background, race, or the color of his skin. Since racism was an incredibly big problem, as African-American people were treated with disrespect, this is a message that will be followed through time and culture through now, and the many years to come. The inspirational messages given from the courageous and brave people who defended their race will drive people to follow this message. Martin Luther King was one of those courageous and brave people. He made a difference in this world.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Love waltzes brightly through one’s heart

With evanescent wings and satin skates

Leaving sprinkles of romance behind

In The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho brings a small, off-track message of love as he writes the journey of Santiago. He shows that even though you are attempting to achieve your own destiny, love my find you and distract you from your destiny. As Santiago draws closer to his destiny, he meets a girl named Fatima along the way and immediately falls in love, distracted by the true meaning of why he was there in the first place. It shows Santiago's love and passion at first sight for a girl, and it also shows the distraction that brings him away from his journey. Usually love is a magnificent feeling, sometimes, it arrives at the wrong timing. But as we look closer into the meaning of love, Coelho sends us a message that TRUE love will stick to us forever.

Determination: The Long Journey

The Courage to Dream

“I’m an adventurer, looking for treasure.” (Coelho 40)

In the Alchemist, a boy named Santiago travels through a journey that led him towards his destiny. After a strange dream kept repeating, Santiago realizes that his dream is linked to his destiny, and begins his journey from Andalusia to Egypt. With the help of the Alchemist, the Englishman, Melchizedek, Fatima, and the Language of the World, he was able to realize his destiny through all of their suggestions and their knowledge. Throughout his journey he had conflicts with himself and his decisions, and was forced to overcome it with his heart. Santiago, being a risk-taking adventurer, possessed the abilities of Determination, Confidence, and Good Nature, which aided him through his destiny.

Santiago achieved his Destiny by using his Determination and not giving up. If Santiago hadn’t used his Determination throughout his destiny he would have given up at the beginning of his quest. From the start of his journey, Santiago was eager to discover and find his Destiny after messages, from his recurring dream and from the Gypsy, signal him to do so. As well as his determination to discover his Destiny, he was also determined to return to Fatima, the woman of his dreams, once he had finished his journey. When he met Fatima at the desert, she said she would wait for his return from his journey. To fulfill her request, Santiago eagerly continues his search for his Destiny, while secretly thinking of Fatima, and longing to see her again once he had returned. ‘He had learned that there were certain things one shouldn’t ask about, so as not to flee from one’s Destiny. “I’ll promise that I’ll make my own decisions,” he said to himself.’ (Coelho 39) Around the time Santiago met Melchizidek, the boy had promised himself to make his own decisions, and let himself drive him to his Destiny and not let anyone take control of his decisions. With the knowledge that he shouldn’t flee from his own Destiny, Santiago is motivated and determined to achieve it at all costs. Santiago did not only use his determination but also his Confidence to help him prove to his heart that he can achieve his Destiny.

Santiago’s confidence drove him to believe that he could achieve his Destiny. Moments before meeting the Alchemist, Santiago hastily warns the Chieftains that the Oasis was in danger, and it was to be in a midst of war very soon. The Chieftains had replied stating that if no one appears in the Oasis by dawn, Santiago was to be slaughtered. Even with such pressure, Santiago was confident, because his prognostication had told him there was going to be a war, and he had stuck to it, and believed that he saved many lives by warning the Chieftains. His confidence had also applied to his eagerness to achieve his Destiny. If Santiago hadn’t been confident, he would have crumbled by pressure and fear. However, with the messages from his recurring dream and the Gypsy, he was confident that he would find his Destiny, and he was confident that he would survive. “Many lives will be saved, because I was able to see through the Soul of the World.” (Coelho 105) Santiago was confident and was not afraid to die because he knew that his prognostication was correct. His confidence had enabled him to follow the Alchemist, and had also shown his bravery against death. Though his Determination and Confidence aided him through his journey, Santiago’s good nature enabled him to get along with many important people in his quest for his Destiny.

Santiago’s good nature enables him to get along with people who aid him through his journey. As the story progresses, Santiago is portrayed as being respectful, kind, and modest, and this is important in developing his relationship with the Alchemist. His calm personality enables the Alchemist to speak with him easily with no trouble. His good nature also helped him effectively progress through his journey; Santiago was patient with Melchizidek, Fatima, and the Alchemist. When Santiago says, ‘“I guess you don’t believe that a king would talk to someone like me, a Shepherd,”’ (Coelho 66) this shows Santiago’s modesty, which enables others to teach him the values of life.

In the Alchemist, a boy named Santiago travels from Andalusia to Egypt in pursuit of his destiny. Although he meets many people that aid him throughout his journey, what helped him most were his Determination, Confidence, and Good Nature. His drive to achieve at all cost, his belief in himself and his patience and modesty taught him the values of life. Santiago shows that anyone, anywhere, can pursue his or her destiny. All it takes is the courage to dream.

Edward Dullard

In life, there are many experiences one must endure throughout his or her life, and even though, with just at 13 years of age, I have learned that Determination has many benefits through one's life. Similarly to Santiago, Determination is an ability one must possess to fully participate in and discover my destiny as a student. With Determination, I can believe that I can confidently complete homework and projects. I will be able to believe that I can complete any assignment that has been handed to me no matter the quantity. Determination enables me to focus on my work and to achieve exemplary grades and to never give up. Even though Determination holds so many benefits, it may be tiring and stressful. It will sometimes force you to focus so much that you just may give up. But even with such stress, Paulo Coelho shows me in The Alchemist, that Determination will help me believe, no matter the long journey that waits ahead.